DIY: TURN YOUR OLD SHOES INTO A LUXURY PAIR! Custom Tiffany-inspired shoes! 💎✂️

It first began when I could barely afford to buy lunch out, it was my way of mimicking all the fashion trends with an extra touch, for less than a quarter of the price. It was also a way to build confidence within myself, by being expressive through the art and be different from the crowd, helping me through many seasons of depression. 🦋
I have been recreating my shoes for years and there’s something truly freeing about taking a paintbrush, dipping it in some paint and watching each stroke of colour take its place, like pure magic. 🎨💫
It really is incredible how much you can do with an unused item that was well on its way to the trash can, and the best part is that you will be the only person in the world wearing your own unique creation. 💃🏽
Today, the art has become more important than ever. We are a part of a world that has been sabotaged with pollution and one of the biggest polluters of our globe today is the fast fashion industry. 🌏🔥Yes, clothing! And we all wear some sort of clothing.
With this in mind, we must re-think the way we view clothing. To research our favourite stores before buying and to shop sustainable or vintage, to re-wear our items more often and be sure to invest in quality pieces that will last for many more years to come. ♻️👗
Here I share my favourite way to be sustainable, and that is to recreate items I already own in my own wardrobe. Check out my how-to video below on these beautiful Tiffany-inspired shoes, using my old pumps and an old necklace 🎥👠✂️
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